One problem that annoyed me for years in my life as a programmer has to do with managing versions of the projects they develop. Besides the obvious problem of making change or delete false inadvertently blocks of code, I always had the problem of developing on multiple computers and have to go with the code from one place to another. Of the various methods I used, two were particularly useful / functional:
– Pendrive to take the code between computers, taking care to create multiple folders with different versions of the sources;
– Internet Sites like to store online all my sources;
Despite taking care of the problem, none of these methods correspond to my needs and from time to time something went wrong. After many problems, some bigger some smaller, I decided to seek a better solution and I finally found one that really solved my problem and that has worked swimmingly. It comprises:
– software TortoiseSVN : free Version Control Software (compatible withSubVersion/SVN) with Windows Explorer integration
– site : free online repository (compatible withSubVersion/SVN)
Version Control Systems, keep a central database of the various stages / versions of a development project. It works especially well when there are multiple developers working on the same project, guaranting – for example – that several programmers do not modify the same code at the same time. And even if they do, have the tools that compare the various amendments, who did and where they were made.
All this through the Internet and for … Free. Could it be better? No! 🙂
UPDATE 23/03/2012: The free version of is now limited to 2 projects
Tuesday May 15th, 2012 @ 05:23 PM is not free !!!!!!
Thursday May 17th, 2012 @ 12:44 PM
Hi “WantFreeStuff”.
They do have a free plan as you can check here: (you need to scroll down a little)
Their free plan is not as good as it was when I joined, unfortunately (they had unlimited projects and now they only have two).
If you know of any free site with unlimited SVN projects, please let me know.
Sunday March 11th, 2012 @ 08:55 PM
Thanks man! Though it only Allows just two project – it’s good for being free. I just hope they are not secretly stealing my code! 🙂
Sunday December 11th, 2011 @ 10:58 AM
now how can i deal with xp-dev when i am uploading my project it want me to upload file by file is there is any tutorial or something show me how to start using tortoise with it and create my project it would be great .
Tuesday December 20th, 2011 @ 09:54 AM
Hi Eslam,
You can get the tortoise manual here:
Monday October 24th, 2011 @ 12:39 PM
xp dev is not free
Friday November 4th, 2011 @ 02:31 PM
Hi rudraskha.
They do have a free plan as you can check here: (you need to scroll down a little)
Their free plan is not as good as it was when I joined, unfortunately (they had unlimited projects and now they only have two).
If you know of any free site with unlimited SVN projects, please let me know.
Sunday August 8th, 2010 @ 05:30 AM
need to check
Wednesday February 10th, 2010 @ 09:24 PM
thanks mate!
I was looking for some free online version controlling system. i googled and I ended up here, and I got this thingie!
works like a charm!
Friday February 19th, 2010 @ 05:48 PM
I’m glad my article helped you.
Thanks for the comment.